Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry

Acting Brand New

From time to time, we all need to hit the refresh button. All of us need a moment that hits the reset button, allowing us to catch our breath and do things in a new way. You and I are referred to as a new creation in the Scriptures.

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Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry

Divine Interruptions

Whether in the middle of a work task, on the phone, or even in the middle of a face-to-face conversation, being interrupted is Inconvenient and sometimes inconsiderate if we’re being honest about it.

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Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry

Balancing Self Critique

If we’re honest about it, while there will always be judgment from strangers and even from those we are familiar with, the reality is, in many cases, you are your worst critic. We judge ourselves the hardest. While it’s beneficial to be hard on ourselves to drive us and push us towards greater success, there’s nothing beneficial or healthy about being harsh on yourself.

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Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry Get Encouraged Alexander Raspberry

Ideas for Gold

Did you know that you are literally one idea away from changing the trajectory of your life? Did you know that you are one idea away from changing the destiny of your life your family as well as those around you?

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