Acting Brand New

Acting Brand New

When I was young, my friends and I always played with our hot wheel cars. One day, I remember we were all together downstairs at one of my friend’s houses. I told them I was so excited because I got some brand-new cars. My friend Brad looked at me and said hey, why are you calling them brand new. They’re just new. Call me a little slow, but it took me more years than I’m willing to admit until I finally understood what Brad was saying. Essentially, when I purchased new items, I would refer to them as brand new. What Brad was trying to get me to understand was that I had purchased the same brand, but just a new item that that brand produced.

Reflecting on this time, I think it’s safe to say that I was calling everything brand new. I had a brand new haircut, brand new clothes, and brand new friends. I probably even had the nerve to call my birthday cake brand new. When we were young, I think we all had a fascination with new items. So much so that we called them brand new. Even as we have matured, we still hold an incredibly high value on newness. My friends, here’s my question to you. Isn’t it time for you to walk in the newness of life? Isn’t it time for you to become brand new?

From time to time, we all need to hit the refresh button. All of us need a moment that hits the reset button, allowing us to catch our breath and do things in a new way. You and I are referred to as a new creation in the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul tells us that the old has passed, and the new has come. If you can, accept it; I believe God has some new things for you and me in this season. As a matter of fact, I believe it is in God’s heart to bring us into a brand new season. A new season where we can shake off the staleness, shake off things that are not working, and shake off relationships that pull us back and hold us back. I  believe that God wants to bring us into a new season that catapults us into walking in the manifestation of what it means to be a new creation.

In the scriptures, God told Isaiah, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. In other words, I will take your wasteland and your wilderness, the places where you’ve run dry. The place that has become exhausting to you, that place where you don’t have any more fight, the places where you feel like you’re wasting your life away,  that relationship that has run dry, that sickness in your body—and I’m going to make a brand-new way just for you.

In that same text, God tells Isaiah, Don’t keep dwelling on the former things that happened in the past. In other words, friends, stop expecting and doing things the old way. It’s time to start walking brand-new. It’s time to start talking brand-new. Stop telling yourself the same old negative things. I’ll never be able to afford that house. I’ll never get a good report from the doctor. I’ll never be good enough. I’m not qualified for that promotion. My child won’t ever stop hanging with that crowd.

My friends, I say this respectfully. You are walking into a brand-new season. Act like it. Start speaking like it. Start saying, I have the favor of God, I am successful in all my endeavors, I am forgiven, I am accepted, I am courageous, I have wisdom in all circumstances, I am a new creation.

My friends, the scripture says that God’s compassions never fail. They are brand-new every morning. I have an idea: since today is brand-new, how about you start walking brand-new, start talking brand-new, start thinking brand-new.  And watch the newness of life start happening all around you.

Alexander Raspberry

Alex Raspberry is an ordained minister and Board Certified Chaplain. Alex's articles cover a range of spiritual themes, from spiritual leadership and miracles to entrepreneurship and eschatology. With a passion for spiritual growth and helping others navigate life's challenges, he is a trusted spiritual counselor to many. A graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School (2010), Alex's insightful articles aim to incite hope and inspiration.

The Power of Giving Thanks


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