Divine Interruptions

Divine Interruptions

In life, if there’s one thing we can all agree on, I’m sure it is the fact that we strongly dislike interruptions. Whether in the middle of a work task, on the phone, or even in the middle of a face-to-face conversation, being interrupted is Inconvenient and sometimes inconsiderate if we’re being honest about it. When these interruptions happen, most of the time, we are nice about it, and we ask the person who interrupted us to give us one second while we politely ask them to hold on, or even better, we will welcome the interruption and ask them, ‘how can I help you?’

Whether intentional or unintentional, an interruption is designed to break the flow of thought and attention to introduce a new thought or detour your attention in another direction.  When God wanted to interrupt  Moses’ life, He gave him a problem. He was chased out of Egypt for unintentionally killing a man. When God interrupted Giddeon’s life, he gave him a problem. The Midianites were constantly stealing from and harassing his people. When God wanted to interrupt Esther’s life, He gave her a problem. Some guy by the name of Haman tried to kill her and all of her people.

Moses, Gideon, and Esther all went on to do extraordinary things. Major miracles took place in their lives. Success stories were written about them. God made them successful. They also quickly realized that their problems were not about them. Ultimately, God used their problems to raise them to bless other people. Here’s the thing: when God interrupts your life, it is because God desires to do extraordinary things through you. God wants to use you in powerful ways that perhaps you can’t even quite fathom at the moment.

But here’s the caveat. Problems always precede divine interruptions. You can’t get to the pinnacle without going through the problems. So here’s my question…What problems have suddenly arisen in your life? Has there been anything that appears to be a random problem, like it happened out of nowhere? Perhaps you’ve had a recent health scare. Or maybe your relationship has gotten rocky quickly, and you don’t know what to do. Or perhaps a loved one has suddenly gotten sick. Or maybe you’re having trouble on the job.

Suppose you find yourself being accompanied by unwanted problems. In that case, chances are, God is interrupting your life to break the flow of thought of what you are currently doing to detour your attention onto what He is doing. It’s easy to scoff at our problems and treat them like mosquitos. We want to swat them down out of frustration at the first sight of them trying to land on us. Remember, God is not using your problems to frustrate you; instead, He is using your problems to promote you. The scripture says it like this: after you have suffered a while, God will perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

This word ‘establish’ in the Greek is the word stērizō. It means to turn resolutely in a specific direction and to make firm. Let me encourage you with this. God is interrupting your life to shift you from where you are so that He may firmly establish you in a position to help and bless other people.

My friends, What you are facing is not a coincidence. It is not by chance that you’ve been going through what you’ve been going through. This is a divine interruption. If you can believe it, you are on your way to new places, more excellent promotions, and greater responsibilities.

Alexander Raspberry

Alex Raspberry is an ordained minister and Board Certified Chaplain. Alex's articles cover a range of spiritual themes, from spiritual leadership and miracles to entrepreneurship and eschatology. With a passion for spiritual growth and helping others navigate life's challenges, he is a trusted spiritual counselor to many. A graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School (2010), Alex's insightful articles aim to incite hope and inspiration.


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