Derogatory Marks of Doubt

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, its that your credit score can either make life pretty good for you, or put you in a not so pretty situation. I think it’s safe to say that all of us do our best to prioritize our credit score. One of the ways we ensure our credit score stays above reproach is to minimize the derogatory marks on your credit file. These derogatory marks can be missed payments, late payments, even perhaps a bankruptcy. These items cause your score to go lower and minimize your chances to get approved for the things you need as well those things that are desired.

In much of the same way that derogatory marks minimize your chances for approval, doubting works in the same capacity to take away your opportunities to have the things you desire from God. Doubting does not mean that you don’t have hope. Doubting simply means that you don’t have the confidence that what you are hoping for will come to pass. Doubting is an attitude, it is a mind-set that is incoherent to the generosity of God. The scriptures reminds us that God gives generously, without finding fault.

I believe one of the ways we develop a mind-set of doubting because we are quick to find fault with ourselves. We have a tendency to judge ourselves in a way that even God doesn’t judge us in such a manner. You might be thinking, Alex listen, the way my past is set up see, I don’t deserve to have a good relationship. Alex, look at me, I’ve been working so long, I can’t go back to school now. They’ll never accept me.

The scripture says it like this, the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. I believe another reason we develop these derogatory marks of doubt is because we have become conditioned that the wind will continue to blow in the same direction. See, some of us didn’t grow up in the best environments. Some of us grew up in environments where everyday we had to fight just to survive. Some of us come from places where things never worked out for us. Overtime, we develop an expectation that everyday is a fight. We have these expectations that things just won’t work out for us. You’ve experienced so much hurt, regret, people letting you down, that you are conditioned that regardless of what you hope for, it’s bound not to work out for you. Its much easier to walk around in doubt to shield yourself from disappointment rather to walk in faith and risk your hope being letting down again.

My friends, I want to encourage you, that today is a great day to clean up those derogatory marks. God says it like this, I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it? I know your past might be full of rejection, disappointment and let downs, but I believe today God wants to do a new thing for you. Today God longs to show you His generosity. He desires to overwhelm you with His goodness. Start putting yourself in position to prosper by speaking your faith. The scripture says it like this, From the fruit of his mouth a man is satisfied with good. Listen, when you dwell on and talk about your past, you become a victim. When you dwell on the goodness of God and talk about what He’s going to do, you become a victor. When you start talking about the goodness of God and what He’s going to do, those derogatory marks will start to come off, that doubting mind-set will begin to vanish, and like King David, you too will see goodness and mercy chasing you down everyday.

Alexander Raspberry

Alex Raspberry is an ordained minister and Board Certified Chaplain. Alex's articles cover a range of spiritual themes, from spiritual leadership and miracles to entrepreneurship and eschatology. With a passion for spiritual growth and helping others navigate life's challenges, he is a trusted spiritual counselor to many. A graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School (2010), Alex's insightful articles aim to incite hope and inspiration.

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