Power Up Alexander Raspberry Power Up Alexander Raspberry

The Power of Giving Thanks

Giving thanks should not be treated like a situational transaction. Too often, our thanks is made known after we have benefitted from receiving something that we desire.

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Power Up Alexander Raspberry Power Up Alexander Raspberry

The Power of Calmness

We must be careful and ensure that we operate from a position of God's kingdom within and not become temperamental because of the chaos around us.

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Power Up Alexander Raspberry Power Up Alexander Raspberry

The Power of Forgiveness

If we’re honest about it, we inherently are not quick to forgive others. We somehow believe that holding on to our grudge is what gives us power over them.

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Power Up Alexander Raspberry Power Up Alexander Raspberry

The Power of Words

When you speak negatively to yourself unknowingly, you are opening the doors for more negativity and disappointment to enter into your life.

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