Seeking God is Greater Than Your Emotions

Seeking God is Greater Than Your Emotions

Just yesterday, it’s a good chance that many of you found yourself emotional about something. For some of you, perhaps it was this morning. I mean, we have all types of things that we are juggling. Family, jobs, health issues, untold secrets, children talking back, patients acting up, relationship drama, loved ones passing away, crazy dogs barking during phone calls, and a whole host of other items: All of that, and you’re still walking around trying to hold it all together. The fact is that we will find ourselves emotional about something at some point.

Now, emotions are not intrinsically bad. They are the spiritual internal alarm indicating that something has happened to us, and such actions need a prompt and proper response. Where emotions become bad is rooted in our reactions to our feelings. The scripture tells us not to get weary in well doing. But if we’re honest about it, how many times have you just been minding your business and doing well, and then that one person comes and says that one thing, which happened to be when you had one nerve left? If you’re not careful, that emotion can transform you from a well-put-together professional to Vivica Fox about to set it off on somebody.

The scripture says it like this: For man’s anger does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:20). However, when we are angry about something, we often do not think about producing righteousness. On the contrary, we are considering how to get justice, snap back, and tell people where we grew up.

Whether it’s anger, grief, sadness, or you’re trying to determine how you feel about something, God invites us to cast all of our anxieties on him because he cares for us. I know what you’re probably thinking. Alex, it takes too long to call on God. I did grow up on the Southside; I can handle this problem right now. Besides, what do you mean by “Casting my anxieties on God”? How can I take how I feel and give them to God?

Remember, your emotions are the alarm indicating that something has happened, and such actions need a prompt and proper response. In other words, your emotions tell you what you should put all of your energy and focus on. Next time you feel overwhelmed about something, put your focus and energy on God- because here is the wisdom- Whatever you focus on will come into focus. What you place your energy into will become the reality that you see.

As the scripture teaches us, there is a time to hate, a time to love, a time for war, and a time for peace. Do not allow your response to your emotions to cause you to act out of alignment to divine timing. God will give you the opportunity to flip over tables at the right time. I want to challenge you to see your emotions as an opportunity to see things from God’s perspective. As you do this, God will give you the wisdom to respond so that His reality will become your priority, causing you to walk around blessed rather than stressed.

Alexander Raspberry

Alex Raspberry is an ordained minister and Board Certified Chaplain. Alex's articles cover a range of spiritual themes, from spiritual leadership and miracles to entrepreneurship and eschatology. With a passion for spiritual growth and helping others navigate life's challenges, he is a trusted spiritual counselor to many. A graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School (2010), Alex's insightful articles aim to incite hope and inspiration.

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