Assessing & Taking Authority Over Our Addictions

Assessing & Taking Authority Over Our Addictions

When we think of the word addiction, our minds often gravitate towards what we perhaps consider to be the big addictions- Drugs, alcohol, tobacco and even perhaps pornography. But as we peel back the layers of our lives and examine ourselves, it becomes more clear that addictions come in various sizes. Subtly but even more importantly, these various sizes can produce some significant results that don’t look too good on us.

Some of us struggle with the addiction of caffeine and sugar-Alex I really don’t need this caramel latte with extra whip, it just taste good. Some of us struggle with the addictions of power-Alex I don’t have to have the last word, I just want things have to go my way. Some of us struggle with the addiction of negative thinking and perhaps even perverted thinking. If we’re honest about it, it’s easy to live unchecked in our addictions. It’s easy because not only do we know how to lie to ourselves, we also really believe ourselves when we lie. Our Starbucks bill, high blood pressure, chaotic relationships, and negative dispositions are fueled by the lies (I mean excuses) we tell ourselves. The scripture says it like this: be honest in your evaluation of yourself, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given you (Romans 12:3).

If we are not careful to assess these addictions and put them in check, they can become the authority in our lives. Another way of saying this: They can become the lens by which we view and live life. Whenever we allow our addictions to lead us, we are submitting to a false sense of authority.

In order to take authority over our addictions, the first things we need to do is acknowledge what our addiction is. Ask yourself, what do you have to have or do in order for you to satisfy a desire or urge that gives you a moment of feeling good, but eventually makes you feel bad, or convicted or argumentative? Acknowledgement is calling out the elephant in the room. If you haven’t noticed elephants weigh quite a bit. Once you’re able to call out that elephant, you will began to realize a new sense of freedom. As the scripture says-The truth shall set you free.

Secondly, re-examine your diet. Now, I am not necessarily talking about a physical diet: But your addictions, the habits that you are putting out, are a reflection of what you are putting in. Just like many of the ancient cities had four main gates that were heavily guarded, so you too must do what is necessary-As the scripture says- to guard your ears, your eyes, your mouth and your heart- See Proverbs 4:20-25.

Lastly, be sure to invite God into the areas of your addictions. Whether they are big or small, your Father in heaven in anxiously awaiting to deliver you and to bring you to a new place of peace, joy and prosperity. The scripture says that the very hair on your head is numbered. The scripture also says, that not a single bird falls to the ground without God being aware of it. In other words, while we often wait to bring God the big ticketed items, he is just as concerned about the small items. As you assess and take authority over your addictions, I am convinced you will find yourself walking in new blessings, favor and the fruition on your dreams.

Alexander Raspberry

Alex Raspberry is an ordained minister and Board Certified Chaplain. Alex's articles cover a range of spiritual themes, from spiritual leadership and miracles to entrepreneurship and eschatology. With a passion for spiritual growth and helping others navigate life's challenges, he is a trusted spiritual counselor to many. A graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School (2010), Alex's insightful articles aim to incite hope and inspiration.

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