Living Inside Out
When we were young and needed something to eat, our parents or loved ones provided food for us. When we needed to go to school and learn, a teacher taught us. When we were young and didn’t feel good, a doctor provided care for us. And for those of us who are young enough to remember, when we got lost, we pulled over to the nearest gas station and asked for directions. Since we were born we have been taught that if we needed something, that answer, or that provision was supposed to come from somebody else. It was supposed to come from outside of us.
This is why when we go through various frustrating circumstances even now, it is easy to get mad at someone else. It is easy to blame other people when things are not going our way. Our hearts and minds are still condition to look for the answers outside of us. Yes, that person may have disappointed you, they may have not lived up to your expectations, but they should not determine whether or not you are happy. Don’t give other people and outside forces permission to dictate your contentment and joy.
Too often, we live from the outside in. We allow the circumstances outside of us to have authority over our emotions, reactions, and decisions. My friends, I want to encourage you to start living from the inside out, that’s where we will find answers, contentment and joy. The scripture says it like this: When you eat the bread of adversity and are treading through the water of affliction your ears will hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” In other words, even in the middle of your negative circumstances in life, God will give you direction from within.
Most of the time when God speaks to us, giving us wisdom from within, it’s not in some loud boisterous voice. When Elijah had an encounter with God, the scripture says that there was a tornado, an earthquake, and a great fire, but the Lord did not speak in any of those dramatic events. It says when He did speak, Elijah heard a still small voice. It is that inner voice that God speaks with, or from that inner kingdom that is within us that provides clarity, wisdom, instruction, solutions and direction when we need it.
In the scripture Jesus had just healed 10 people from Leprosy. Upon seeing this, the Pharisees came to him and asked Jesus, tell us, when is your Kingdom coming. Jesus tells them this: The Kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, rather, the Kingdom of God is within you. In other words, the government and authority that Jesus lived out, is the same government and authority that lives in you.
Friends, negative circumstances and people will always be the unwelcome guest in your neighborhood knocking on doors. But here’s the good news. You don’t have to duck, run and hide from them any longer. As long as you live from the inside out, exercising the kingdom within you, Just like Jesus restored 10 people who had diseases, you too can forge positive outcomes and breed within others a positive outlook on life. Every time you find yourself bothered, angry, and upset because of what is happening to you, remind yourself of the power that is flowing through you.